The Message of the Cross

The only solution for sin, the only answer to sin, is the Cross of Christ!

The Cross of Christ is the foundation principle of all Bibical Doctrine. It is the foundation because it is the first principle of Redemption, brought about in the Mind of God even before the foundation of the world (1 Pet. 1:18-20). This means that every single doctrine must be built on the foundation of Christ and the Cross, or else, in some way, it will be spurious. And that's the problem with the modern Church; in many cases it is building doctrines on other foundation.

Requirement for Salvation: Romans 10:9-10 9)"That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you shall be saved. 10)For with the heart man believes unto Righteousiness and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation".

Say outloud this prayer: Lord Jesus I am a sinner, please forgive me and cleanse me from all my sin. I am sorry please come into my heart as Lord and Savior and save me. In Jesus Name I pray. Thank you Jesus right now I am saved.

Let us know if you prayed that prayer and accepted Christ.

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Friday, June 23, 2017


     Using the Scripture in Phil. 2:7 “But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men”: I think one would have to say essentially, “No”! While He was not born with a sin nature as are all other human beings, still, that should not have made a difference. He had to be a man like all other men, or else, His Work and Function would be to no avail. That is why the Holy Spirit through Paul referred to Him as “the last Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45)

* Some scholars argue that Jesus could not have sinned. In other words, it would not have been possible for Him to have sinned.
    I’m convinced basically that is incorrect! Had it been impossible for Him to have sinned, the whole thing would have been a farce. While God certainly cannot sin, it definitely is possible for man to sin. Therefore, the possibility had to be there with Christ as well.

     SO, emptying Himself of the expression of His Deity, thereby, becoming a Man, subjected Him to all that what is possible with man. Hence, He would say, “I thirst,” when, of course God cannot thirst (John 19:28). As well, He grew hungry, and God cannot hunger (Mat. 4:2). Also Jesus grew tired as a human being will, but God cannot tire, at least in that fashion (John 4:6).

     YES, it would have been possible for Jesus to sin, but He did not sin despite every effort of Satan to make Him fail.

    Be watchful for the next post where I will address, using same scripture in Phil. 2:7, talking about SATAN HAS NO PART IN ME.

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