The Message of the Cross

The only solution for sin, the only answer to sin, is the Cross of Christ!

The Cross of Christ is the foundation principle of all Bibical Doctrine. It is the foundation because it is the first principle of Redemption, brought about in the Mind of God even before the foundation of the world (1 Pet. 1:18-20). This means that every single doctrine must be built on the foundation of Christ and the Cross, or else, in some way, it will be spurious. And that's the problem with the modern Church; in many cases it is building doctrines on other foundation.

Requirement for Salvation: Romans 10:9-10 9)"That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you shall be saved. 10)For with the heart man believes unto Righteousiness and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation".

Say outloud this prayer: Lord Jesus I am a sinner, please forgive me and cleanse me from all my sin. I am sorry please come into my heart as Lord and Savior and save me. In Jesus Name I pray. Thank you Jesus right now I am saved.

Let us know if you prayed that prayer and accepted Christ.

Please visit the Blog Archive frequently to view posts no longer viewed on main page.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Walk in the Light

“If we walk in the light as He is in the light … the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
     To mistake freedom from sin only on the conscious level of our lives for complete deliverance from sin by the atonement through the Cross of Christ is a great error. No one fully knows what sin is until he is born again. Sin is what Jesus Christ faced at Calvary. The evidence that I have been delivered from sin is that I know the real nature of sin in me. For a person to really know what sin is requires the full work and deep touch of the atonement of Jesus Christ, that is, the imparting of His absolute perfection. The Holy Spirit applies or administers the work of the atonement to us in the deep unconscious realm as well as in the conscious realm. And it is not until we truly perceive the unrivaled power of the Spirit in us that we understand the meaning of 1 John 1:7, which says, “… the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” This verse does not refer only to conscious sin, but also to the tremendously profound understanding of sin which only the Holy Spirit in me can accomplish. I must walk in the light as He is in the light …” —not in the light of my own conscience, but in God’s light. If I will walk there, with nothing held back or hidden, then this amazing truth is revealed to me: “… the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses [me] from all sin” so that God Almighty can see nothing to rebuke in me. On the conscious level it produces a keen, sorrowful knowledge of what sin really is. The love of God working in me causes me to hate, with the Holy Spirit’s hatred for sin, anything that is not in keeping with God’s holiness. To “walk in the light” means that everything that is of the darkness actually drives me closer to the center of the light.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Mighty Mississippi

     It seems all the Politian’s have time to do is spend millions of dollars on attack ads about character assassination instead to discussing our nation’s solutions. Are you as sick of this as I am?
     Folks, our nation have serious problems for example; our mounting debt of 16 plus Trillion dollars, struggling economy and unemployment; consider the following.
     The worst drought in more than 50 years is having a devastating impact on the Mississippi River.  The Mississippi has become very thin and narrow, and if it keeps on dropping there is a very real possibility that river traffic could get shut down.  And considering the fact that approximately 60 percent of our grain, 22 percent of our oil and natural gas, and one-fifth of our coal travel down the Mississippi River this would be absolutely further crippling for our economy. 
     It is estimated that if all Mississippi River traffic was stopped that it would cost the U.S. economy 300 million dollars a day. Check the facts yourself.
     Lord, we need a blessing as in Psalms 65:9-10 9You visit the Earth, and water it: You greatly enrich it with the river of God, which is full of water: You prepare them corn, when You have so provided for it. 10You Water the ridges thereof abundantly: You settle the furrows thereof: You make it soft with showers: You bless the springing thereof.  We give you all thanks and glory and ask for Rain.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Victory In Christ

Suggested Scripture: 1 John 1:5 - 2:2; Romans 6

     Believers wrestle with besetting sins. We pray, confess, believe, and more often than not - relapse.
     Is there any remedy? Or are we sentenced, by our natures, to endure until we are with the Lord? Praise God, there is a profound hope for believers' victory - regardless of the nature of our struggles.
     First, we must come to the point of a biblical confession which means that we "agree" with God about the vile nature of our sins, understanding how they grieve His Holy character. We ask Him to show us our sin from His perspective, seeing its consequences. Such genuine confession leads to being "made sorrowful to the point of repentance" (a definite change of direction) 2 Corinthians 7:9.
     If we have done so and still cannot escape, there is still hope. Our sinful acts as believers are the result of the principle of sin that still seeks to enslave us. But Paul says in Galatians 2:20 that he has been "crucified with Christ." Listen: At the cross Jesus not only took care of our sins but also our sin natures. Meaning, victory over our besetting sins is through faith - confessing (agreeing) that our old sin natures are crucified and that we have been freed and liberated by Christ to "WALK IN NEWNESS OF LIFE" (Romans 6:4) Christ in your life, can overcome any sin habit.
     Bottom line - Your Victory Is In Christ!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


     My take, using plain English on what's going on with this so-called controversy surrounding Chick-Fil-A being some sort of homophobic business against Homosexuals "Right to Marry" is not what it seems. This is a business which was established in the Greatest Nation on earth, is operating under the freedoms established by our Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Chick-Fil-A just happens to be a Christian based organization.
     Let me be clear, what's happening here is not about Chick-Fil-A it's a Spiritual Battle raging in our nation and in the entirety of the world. Speaking for myself and any other truly born again Christian accepting Jesus' finished work at Calvary, we believe in the One True God: The Father, The  Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.
     Therefore, in keeping with the God's teaching from His Holy Word (Bible) and our conservative views of such, Marriage is between Man & Woman. Any other definition of marriage is not in God's order for mankind and would be an abomination.
    "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose this day who you will serve...As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15. Not man.

Monday, July 23, 2012


I came across this and wanted to share it with you!
Some of you may remember a Radio Commentator named Paul Harvey. This 47-year-old warning to America was presented by him back in 1965? What Mr. Harvey envisioned back then has become reality. Ponder these excerpts from his message titled “If I were the Devil
"If I were the prince of darkness I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness.... I’d subvert the churches first. I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve, “Do as you please.”
"To the young I would whisper that the Bible is a myth. I would convince them that man created God, instead of the other way around. I would confide that what’s bad is good, and what’s good is square....”

"And then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors on how to make lurid literature exciting, so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I’d peddle narcotics...
"If I were the devil I’d soon have families that war with themselves, churches that war with themselves and nations that war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flame.
"If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects and neglect to discipline emotions—just let those run wild...
"Within a decade I’d have prisons overflowing, I’d have judges promoting pornography. Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, and then the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress. And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls, and church money....
"If I were the devil I’d take from those who have, and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.... In other words, if I were the devil I’d keep on doing on what he’s doing. 
"Paul Harvey, good day.”
This warning was heard and read across America decades ago. But our nation ignored it!  Now we face unthinkable consequences.  It reminds me of an occult children's book used in public schools back in the nineties called The Dark is Rising.  Indeed, it is!  And the spreading darkness is clouding minds and blinding people -- both to the pressing evils and to God's saving love.
The problem with our nation is SIN. The answer is found in the Book of John 3:3 – Jesus is talking to Nicodemus a man of the Pharisees, a Ruler of the Jews and says “Verily, Verily, I say unto you Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God” (Note: The term ?born again,” means that man has already had a natural birth, but now must have a Spiritual Birth, which comes by Faith in Christ, and what He has done for us at the Cross, and is available to all. Without this new birth one cannot understand or comprehend the “Kingdom of God.”)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Collapse of America Is Speeding Up

    Have you noticed the problems America is experiencing now are not just confined to the field of economics?  If the truth be told there are signs of deep decay wherever we look, and without question the United States is rotting from the inside out.  Our debt-fueled prosperity has masked much of the social decay that has been festering underneath the surface, but the thin veneer of civilization we take for granted is beginning to disappear rapidly.  Oh! We could point a finger at some particular group or political party and blame them for all our problems, but the fact is our societal decay cuts across all income levels, all political affiliations and all regions of the country.  We are being destroyed from within; with some major cities declaring bankruptcy; or look upon the streets of the most dilapidated sections of major U.S. cities or in the halls of power in Washington D.C. and on Wall Street. 
     Something has fundamentally changed and is wrong.  The American people seem to have lost their moral compass and level of character they once had.  Question: So where do we go from here? Answer: Back to God! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Losing Our Freedom

The following is a quote from (William Penn) “Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.”
Let me ask you - What does the word "freedom" mean in the context of today's corrupt culture? I contend it is: Amoral license? It is: Liberty to follow feelings rather than facts? It is: A ban on Christian expressions of faith? It is: Mandatory "tolerance" for homosexual lifestyles?
Listen: To conform young minds to the vision of global solidarity, pluralism must replace God's unchanging Truth. So some seventh grade World History text books promote Islam and demean Christianity. Social Studies are used to "normalize homosexuality." And propaganda for "social justice" seems more acceptable than loyalty to our sovereign God – sadly even in churches! As God warned us long ago, "...when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them... when your heart is lifted up and you forget the Lord your God. ... Then it shall be, if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods... you shall surely perish." (Deuteronomy 8:12-14, 17-19)
Sad but few heed such warnings in these times of cultural "Christianity." No wonder we are losing the God-given freedom that helped make America a strong and moral nation.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Heart of a Nation

Read: 2 Corinthians 3:4-18
     Listen: As all of you who follow my Devotional Blog know, I have great concern for our Nation. Why? Because I believe of the importance God placed in a people, starting with the Founding Fathers, to establish a great free nation who would trust God and propagate the Gospel of His Son Jesus Christ to the entirety of the World.
     I’m sure you would agree that our Nation is in deep trouble. Let me present a thought for you to consider!
     Physical blindness (the inability to see the material world) has several origins: disease, injury, malformity, age, etc. Spiritual blindness (the inability to understand spiritual truth) has only one cause: Satan, “the god of this world” who “has blinded the minds of the unbelieving. (2 Corinthians 4:3).
     The problem in our Nation is Spiritual Blindness: Just as there is only one cause for spiritual blindness, so there is only one cure. Paul prescribes it in his letter to the Corinthians: “But whenever a man turns to the Lord, the veil (of unbelief) is taken away (2 Corinthians 3:16).
    I truly belief our nation is living in Spiritual Darkness and only a personal encounter with the risen Christ can bring life and light. The Apostle John proclaimed that Christ is “…the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man” (John 1:9).
     Unbelievers abide in the dominion of darkness and Satan. It is God the Father Who “delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son” (Colossians 1:13).
     As the Gospel (the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ) is preached, the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of men to guide them into the truth that sets them free. We understand our alienation from God is the result of our sins. We realize our inability to win His favor. We also clearly see that we can be forgiven and reconciled to God the Father only through Christ’s sin bearing work at Calvary.         
     Therefore, I believe the problem in our Nation today lies at the footsteps of our churches. Why? Because a false gospel other than Jesus and Him crucified for the most part is being preached. And this Seeker Sensitive, feel good gospel is not the truth.
    Getting back to the Heart of a Nation, only repentance is the answer. We must call on Jesus’ name, asking Him to save us from our sins, placing our faith in Him alone – and in that moment our blindness is lifted that once again we can see the Kingdom of God.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Socialism (America’s Marxist Picnic)

      National elections are fast approaching; and one thing I'm personally convinced of: 
·       Our country cannot afford to re-elect our current President and sustain his liberal socialistic leaning administration for four more years.
     However, with that said my question is; can even a new president and administration, curtail the current destructive trend to our nation with the political agendas and out of control spending mentality of Washington? Hopefully so!
     Listen: America has been moving in this sad direction for decades. No, not under the 'Marxist' label, or any of those other nasty words of yesteryear, like '“socialism' or 'communism' or 'collectivism.' They’ve all been carefully replaced by other warm-and-fuzzy terms like 'fairness,' 'economic justice,' 'redistribution,' 'progressivism' and 'Spreading the wealth.'
      The spirit of socialism has taken root and is blooming spectacularly in America, especially in all of our elite, idea-generating institutions like education, the news and entertainment media, and, of course, government. The original American spirit has progressively been displaced by the spirit of dependency and helplessness, of perpetual grievance and victimization, and most of all, of envy and resentment. All of which cries out for ever bigger government.
     What is the answer? Well I believe more importantly, apart from the normal, likewise important, policital aspects of voting and getting involved that our Nation must come before God with National Repentance.
     I must remind everybody refering to God's Word - The Answer is: "If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face (Note: the Prayer of Repentance), and turn from their wicked ways (Note: which proclaims the manner of true Repentance); then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Relationship (One with Another)

1 Peter 3:8-12 8Finally, be you all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as Brethren, be pitiful, be courteous. 9Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that you should inherit a Blessing. 10For he who will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: 11Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. 12Folr the eyes of the Lord are over the Righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers; but the Face of the Lord is against them who do evil.

     The power of the cross is twofold. Supremely, it is the reconciliation of God and man.
     But it is more. The cross is also the only basis for a radical change in our relationship with one another. Let’s face it. It is our encounters with other folk that stirs up most of our anxieties. Tensions with family, co-workers, friends, neighbors, or an acquaintance can occupy much of our time and thought.
     For sin not only created conflict and alienation with God, it also exalted self to the throne of every man’s life. Only the cross, where we receive the new nature of Christ, can provide the power to relate harmoniously to one another. We are called and enabled supernaturally to:
1.      Serve one another (Read: Galatians 5:13)
2.      Comfort one another (Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:18)
3.      Bear one another’s burdens. (Read: Galatians 6:2)
4.      Accept one another (Read: Romans 15:7)
5.      Admonish one another (Read: Romans 15:14)
     Listen: As a Christian, if you are at odds with a Christian Brother or friend, go to the cross and ask Jesus through the Holy Spirit for His power to demonstrate the reality of His love through you. If you have never accepted Christ as Savior now would be a good time and let Him help fix your relationships.
     Finally, Becoming a peace-maker will bring “the peace which surpasses comprehension” (Philippians 4:7).

Saturday, May 26, 2012


1 Timothy 2:4 “Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth?”
     Each age has no end of philosophies, reasoning’s, and belief systems that are presented as truth. For truth to be substantiated t must meet three unyielding criteria.
     Truth must be universal in that it must apply to everyone: African, European, American, and Asian. There can be no cultural distinctions if it is unalterable truth.
     It must be uniform in that it must apply to everyone in the same manner. The criteria for applying ultimate truth cannot be differentiated to any degree. It must work equally as well for children as well with adults – for the well-educated and the un-schooled.
     Truth must be unending in that it must be eternally valid. What was true for the fifth-century man must also be truth for the twenty-first century man.
     Using those guidelines, there is only one body of truth that can suffice – the WORD OF TRUTH, GOD’S WORD (THE BIBLE). It applies to everyone – in the same manner – for every age.
     Whether one is a conquistador or a computer operator, rich or poor, of any skin color, the Bible is the truth upon which everyone can build lasting life. It is the wisdom for salvation, liberating living, and eternal security.
     Let me ask you! Are you building your life on the unalterable, all-sufficient truth of the Word of God (the Bible) – or are you following the vain of reasoning’s of man? The latter seems to be the up-trend today which only leads to DESTRUCTION. Let me encourage you to find all-sufficient, eternal TRUTH. TRY GOD! GET INTO GOD’S WORD.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Shack of Insecurity

Colossians 3:5-11
     Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:  For which things’ sake the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience:  In which you also walked some time, when you lived in them. But now you also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.  Lie not one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds;  And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:  Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
     Someone once illustrated how our behavior is linked to our position and identity in Christ through a humorous analogy. They described a scene in which a man is suddenly accosted by a ferocious bear while on a walk through the woods.
     The Man runs into a shack. Though the structure is securely buttressed by thick timbers, he is unaware of the fact, and he thanks the grizzly will burst through at any moment.
     This man was safe the moment he fled into the shack. However, since he was ignorant of that fact, he trembled in terror. They pointed out; the poor man could have died of a fear-induced heart attack even though he was secure.
     The premise is: If we do not understand who we are in Christ and our security in Him, we will act accordingly. As Christians, we are new creatures. We are dead to our old ways and habits which ruled before our salvation. They are no longer our master. We are now holy, sanctified, and blameless before God.
     However, many of us still live anxiously in our old shacks of insecurity, inferiority, and inadequacy. We do not know who we truly are, and therefore, we act much like we did before our experience at the cross.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Presidential Views

Let me be clear; I AM NOT a supporter of nor will I unite behind President Obama!
I respect the Office of President and will pray for him, but that is it.
Why! For Starters Because:
·       I do not share Obama's vision or value system for America;
·       his Abortion beliefs;
·       his radical Marxist's concept of re-distributing wealth;
·       raising taxes on earners of more than $150,000;
·       that America is Arrogant;
·       that America is not a Christian Nation;
·       that the military should be reduced by 25%;
·       of amnesty and giving more to illegal's than our American Citizens who need help;
·       on homosexuality and his definition of marriage;
·       that Radical Islam is our friend and Israel is our enemy who should give up any land;
·       His Spiritual beliefs (at least the ones he’s made public);
·       The Obama Socialized Medicine Healthcare system;
·       Strategic views of the Middle East;
·       And his plan to sit down with terrorist regimes such as Iran.
Bottom line: The America I love and served is vastly different from Obama's, and I have a higher obligation to God and Country to do what is Right! How about you?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another Q & A Segment (Bond-Servants of Jesus Christ)

    In reading the Scriptures, I notice believers are referred to as “bond-servants of Jesus Christ.” (Romans 1:1 and Philippians 1:1, for example) If Christ died to set us free, why does the Bible use such a term?
     Although it may appear somewhat authoritarian at first, the term bond-servant actually depicts a liberating, loving relationship between the believer and Jesus Christ. When a person receives Jesus Christ as Savior, he is instantly freed from the penalty of sin which is eternal death. At the same time he is brought into a new relationship with Christ Who becomes both his Savior and his Lord.
     The primary Greek word for Lord is kurios which can be translated as “master” or “owner.” Knowing Jesus Christ as Master or Owner is far from being a tyrannical relationship. Instead it brings the believer under the direction and mastery of One Who loves him unconditionally and Who is interested only in his highest and best good.
     Romans 6:15-23 clearly says that either sin or Christ is our master: “I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh for as you have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to Righteousness unto Holiness” (Romans 6:19). We may think we are free to do as we please, but in reality we are either under the sway of sin of Christ.
     Certainly sin is a harsh taskmaster, demanding unstinting obedience. Its yoke is cruel and severe, ultimately leading to death and destruction.
     On the other hand, follow Christ as Master is a liberating choice. As our Maker and Redeemer, Christ never asks anything of us that He is unwilling to provide. Placing ourselves in the Master’s care is the way to freedom, satisfaction, joy and peace. His yoke “is easy” and His burden “is light” (Matthew 11:30).
     Equally as important as knowing Christ as our loving Master understands our role as servants. A Christian is one who has come into the King’s court as a royal servant.
     That’s why we are called bond-servants people who now gladly serve their new Master, Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul delights in calling himself “a bond-servant of Christ Jesus” (Romans 1:1) because he is keenly aware that he now belongs to the King of kings and Lord of lords Who has purchased him with His own spilled blood and battered body. Serving our Creator God is a matchless opportunity, not a dreaded chore.
     We shall serve our beloved Master and Owner for all the ages. On earth such servitude always results in blessing. In heaven it shall be a royal honor as we bow at the feet of the Lord of the ages.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Q & A Segment (Quiet Time)

     Several of my friends talk about having a “quite time” each day. I do read my Bible frequently but not in this sense. Is a quiet time all that necessary?
     Let me answer your question by first saying that the most important thing in my life is an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
     A quiet time is focused time spent with God that nurtures that relationship. The more hurried our pace and busy our schedules, the more we need to spend time alone with the Father.
     A quiet time should include several common biblical threads. Always, you should make reading, studying, and meditating on the Scriptures your primary focus. God talks to you through His Word as the Holy Spirit guides you. It is truth for daily living, and it fortifies you to face each day’s challenges and opportunities.
     Prayer should be a regular part of any quiet time. Prayer is talking to God, and this is the real stimulus for communion with the Father. He wants to hear from you. He enjoys your fellowship. Your prayer may include confession of sin, praise for God’s goodness and faithfulness towards you, and specific requests. Be honest. Be real. God is not threatened by your anger, disappointment, or questions, He can handle it.
     Some people like to include another devotional tool in their quiet time. I think this is fine so long as it does not displace the Word of God and communion with God.
     A quiet time is usually best observed by scheduling a particular time of day. I cannot think of a better way to start the day. However, others prefer to have their quiet time in the evening. Again, the important thing is to do it regularly and consistently.
     I also think it is helpful to spend your quiet times in the same place each day as often as possible. When you do, a sense of sacredness develops. When you sit down at the kitchen table, the den, the living room chair, or wherever you choose, you will find that you are ready to spend time with God.
     Expect to hear God. Anticipate answers to prayer. Persevere when the dry seasons of the soul strike. That is when you need God’s refreshment most.
     Above all, remember that a quiet time is time spent with God. You are fellowshipping with your personal Savior, Deliverer, and Friend. Get to know His as well as you can. Also, you must keep a focused mind and have a willing heart to allow the Holy Spirit to grow your relationship with God.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Presidential Executive Order

     Below are some excerpts from an e-newsletter by US Congresswoman Kay Granger from the 12th District of Texas.

     “On March 16, 2012 – President Obama issued an Executive Order that gives an unprecedented level of authority to the President and the federal government to take over all the fundamental parts of our economy...all of our water resources, construction services and materials, our transportation system, food and health resources, our energy supplies, even farm equipment, can be taken over by the President and his cabinet secretaries. Under this Executive Order the Government can also draft U.S. citizens into the military and force U.S. citizens to fulfill “labor requirements" for purposes of “national defense/emergencies.” There is no Congressional oversight on this Executive Order.”
     Listen: Congress must act within 90 days or this Executive Order automatically becomes law, and time is running out.
     I believe this President is putting the Federal Government above the law, which is never supposed to happen. This type of Martial Law imposes a government takeover on U.S. citizens that would typically only be reserved when national defense/emergencies already exist.
          So where is the outrage here? Come on America let’s Wake Up our Nation is in serious trouble with leadership that is selling us out – God help us is my prayer!
      I would hope that those of you, who still believe in the Nation’s Founding Fathers principles (God, Family, and Nation in that order) which are the very essence of America’s freedom and life, would follow God’s Prescription. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God tells us “If My people, which are called by My Name (meaning believers in Christ), shall humble themselves, pray, and seek My face (Please understand this is referring to Prayer of Repentance); then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (This is God’s prescription for spiritual sickness).      
     You see this is America’s problem; we are spiritually bankrupt as a Nation, in need of national healing. Let me ask you can God depend upon you to do YOUR PART – PRAY? Or will you just sit back with your head in the sand, tweeting and texting about things which really have no eternal value.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Speech (Does it Matter?)

     If you recorded yourself, what would the playback reveal concerning your speech at the end of the day? Our conversation can reveal much regarding our spiritual commitment. Do we truly believe in and live by the truth of the Scriptures, or does our language mirror an ordinary worldview? A positive confession, based on the Scriptures, bolsters our faith and encourages others.
     We may be in a bad financial situation. Do we complain about our personal state? Or do we confess the truth that our “God shall supply all (our) need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19)? Listen: Our confession in such circumstances mirrors our genuine belief in the power of God and His Word which sustains us (and others), encourage, and build truth into our lives.
     A positive confession is a testimony to others. As they hear our trust in God verbalized, they are confronted with the truth.
     Our words and lives are sermons that preach to everyone around us. What we say can point an unbeliever to Christ while keeping our spiritual compass fixed on Him.
     Let your speech be an accurate sounding of God’s truth.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Forgiveness “Who Me”!

     What if the person who needs to be forgiven is myself? What if I am the transgressor?
     Forgiving ourselves is often more of a dilemma than forgiving others. After all, we have to live with ourselves twenty-four hours a day.
     Perhaps some misdeed that I participated in years ago, even as a child, still haunts me today, causing a tremendous sense of inferiority and insecurity. “Can God forgive me for what I did? I caused so much pain to others that I’m just not sure He can pardon my iniquity. “My anxiety is dispelled only as I realize that I forgive myself on the same basis as I forgive others – through Christ’s forgiveness of my sins on the cross.
     We forgive others because God no longer holds their sins against them. We forgive ourselves because God no longer holds our sins against us.
     God had forgiven Paul through the sacrifice of His Son. Paul, therefore, had no right to not forgive himself, neither do you.
     If you are a believer, you are a forgiven person. Worship God for His grace. If you turned to God for the forgiveness of your sins, come to Him for salvation by acknowledging His death for you and receive a full pardon for eternity.
     Read: Philippians 3:4-16 – Let me address verses 9-14 “And be found in Him (meaning to be united with Christ by living Faith, which has as its object the Cross of Christ), not having my own Righteousness (in other words; not having any Righteousness which can be called my own), which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Christ, the Righteousness which is of God by Faith: 10) That I may know Him (again referring to what Christ did at the Cross), and the power of His Resurrection (refers to being raised with Him in “newness of life” [Rom. 6:3-5]), and the fellowship of His sufferings (regarding our Trust and Faith placed in Him), being made conformable unto His death (to conform to what He did for us at the Cross, understanding that this is the only means of Salvation and Sanctification) 11) If by any means I might attain unto the Resurrection of the dead. (This does not refer to the coming Resurrection, but rather the Believing sinner being baptized into the death of Christ [refers to the Crucifixion], and raised in “newness of life,” which gives victory over all sin) 12) Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect (we can’t claim sinless perfection); but I follower after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. (Paul was saved by Christ for the purpose of becoming Christlike, and so are we!) 13) Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do. Forgetting those things which are behind, reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14) I press toward the mark (this represents a moral and spiritual target) for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (means the manner and means in which all of this is done, which is the Cross).