My take, using plain English on what's going on with this so-called controversy surrounding Chick-Fil-A being some sort of homophobic business against Homosexuals "Right to Marry" is not what it seems. This is a business which was established in the Greatest Nation on earth, is operating under the freedoms established by our Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Chick-Fil-A just happens to be a Christian based organization.
Let me be clear, what's happening here is not about Chick-Fil-A it's a Spiritual Battle raging in our nation and in the entirety of the world. Speaking for myself and any other truly born again Christian accepting Jesus' finished work at Calvary, we believe in the One True God: The Father, The Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, in keeping with the God's teaching from His Holy Word (Bible) and our conservative views of such, Marriage is between Man & Woman. Any other definition of marriage is not in God's order for mankind and would be an abomination.
"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose this day who you will serve...As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15. Not man.