With the baseball season beginning, my thoughts went back to what we used to call “Pasture Baseball”. Maybe you can relate – Remember choosing sides, one kid at a time? It was torture, waiting to be chosen, wasn’t it? Were you ever the last one left, not chosen, and by default went to one side or the other? If you were, you were usually put in some insignificant position, while the “chosen ones” got the choice positions.
If you remember, your attitude was affected by that process. If you were chosen, you felt like a winner and you gave your all. If you weren’t, you felt like a looser, and lower than a snake’s belly.
Well look up!!! If you’ve never been chosen by man, what difference does it make? You were chosen b y God Himself to carry out a particular mission for Him. Out of all the people in the world God could have chosen to do what you’re doing, He Chose You. You’re part of the “chosen ones!!” Shouldn’t that make you feel just a little be special?
Like that baseball game, All God wants, is for you to find what position He wants you to play, get in it, and do it.
Ask God to show you the position He wants you in, get in it, and don’t let anyone or anything move you out of it!!!