wrestle with besetting sins. We pray, confess, believe, and more often than not
- relapse.
Is there any
remedy? Or are we sentenced, by our natures, to endure until we are with the
Lord? Praise God, there is a profound hope for believers' victory - regardless
of the nature of our struggles.First, we must come to the point of a biblical confession which means that we "agree" with God about the vile nature of our sins, understanding how they grieve His Holy character. We ask Him to show us our sin from His perspective, seeing its consequences. Such genuine confession leads to being "made sorrowful to the point of repentance" (a definite change of direction) 2 Corinthians 7:9.
If we have done so and still cannot escape, there is still hope. Our sinful acts as believers are the result of the principle of sin that still seeks to enslave us. But Paul says in Galatians 2:20 that he has been "crucified with Christ." Listen: At the cross Jesus not only took care of our sins but also our sin natures. Meaning, victory over our besetting sins is through faith - confessing (agreeing) that our old sin natures are crucified and that we have been freed and liberated by Christ to "WALK IN NEWNESS OF LIFE" (Romans 6:4) Christ in your life, can overcome any sin habit.
Bottom line - Your Victory Is In Christ!