The Message of the Cross

The only solution for sin, the only answer to sin, is the Cross of Christ!

The Cross of Christ is the foundation principle of all Bibical Doctrine. It is the foundation because it is the first principle of Redemption, brought about in the Mind of God even before the foundation of the world (1 Pet. 1:18-20). This means that every single doctrine must be built on the foundation of Christ and the Cross, or else, in some way, it will be spurious. And that's the problem with the modern Church; in many cases it is building doctrines on other foundation.

Requirement for Salvation: Romans 10:9-10 9)"That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you shall be saved. 10)For with the heart man believes unto Righteousiness and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation".

Say outloud this prayer: Lord Jesus I am a sinner, please forgive me and cleanse me from all my sin. I am sorry please come into my heart as Lord and Savior and save me. In Jesus Name I pray. Thank you Jesus right now I am saved.

Let us know if you prayed that prayer and accepted Christ.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011


The Scriptures are full of Irony. Irony is an outcome of events that is contrary to what might have been expected. Imagine the irony in Pharaohs decree to kill the male Hebrew children. He began to fear that Israel’s rapid multiplying would result in their rising up against Egypt. Yet his daughter drew Moses from the bulrush and raised him in the place of Egypt. It is an irony that the one Pharaoh feared was living in his place and eating at his table. Hear the irony of Solomon’s words when he writes: “There is that makes himself rich yet hath nothing; there is that makes him=self poor yet hath great riches” (Proverbs 13:7).
      And there is irony in the New Testament as well. We hear irony in Jesus’ words when He tells the disciples: “Whosoever would be great among you, let him be your minister” (Matt. 20:26), or “The last shall be first and the first last” (Matt. 20:16).
     The Apostle Paul experienced a great irony in his own life. He wrote in detail about it to the Corinthians. He was describing his familiar thorn in the flesh that he prayed three times to be delivered from when he made a great discovery. “When I am weak, then am I strong” (2 Cor. 12:10). Paul discovered that when he was at his weakest the power of God was at its strongest in his own life. Let me ask you:
·        Do you feel weak today?
·        Are you wrestling against difficulties that you have no resources to overcome?
The message for us is that times of weakness are a blessing if they place us in the atmosphere of experiencing the strength and power of God.
     His strength for our weakness is a truth that weaves its way throughout the Scriptures. It is illustrated clearly when Israel had her back to the Red Sea and Pharaohs chariots were rushing in upon her. 
     Over the next few days this message (HIS STRENGTH FOR OUR WEAKNESS) will be presented in separate blog postings illustrating three (3) major points:
1.      THE SITUATION THEY FACED (No Place to Go – A Great Dilemma)
2.      THE TEMPTATION WITH WHICH THEY FLIRTED (No Strength Left to Fight – A Great Danger)
3.      THEIR GREAT DISCOVERY (No Task is Too Great for God – His strength for Our Weakness)

     Be sure to check out the next few blog postings and gain victory by finding His Strength for your Weakness.

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